Ian Broadmore

Mystic – Seer


Tarot Reading

Tarot Readings in Faversham, Kent with Ian Broadmore: Transformative Magickal Insights

I can help you unlock your full potential and achieve your goals.

Ian’s Tarot Readings and Visionary Insights offer a holistic approach to life, embracing the multidimensional aspects of existence. This Magickal practice encourages individuals to recognize the entirety of their being: physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual. As a practitioner deeply attuned to the currents of Paganism and Shamanism, I harness my intuitive abilities to read your energy, discerning its needs and imbalances. People are often drawn to me on a subconscious level, as their souls recognize my ability to provide guidance and healing. Whether you seek emotional or physical healing, or direction at life’s crossroads, my insights can illuminate your path. Drawing upon my extensive experience as a Mystic, Pagan & Seer I utilize the ancient wisdom contained in Tarot Cards to unlock the psyche and subconscious. Tarot cards are representations of archetypal energies that a skilled reader like myself can interpret, offering a mirror to the soul. This helps you navigate obstacles, seize opportunities, and find a path forward. My clairvoyant abilities, stemming from the French term “clear seeing,” allow me to perceive things beyond the physical senses. This sixth sense, or ESP, enables me to provide profound insights into your life. Whether it’s through precognition or intuitive knowing, my readings can help you understand and address the deeper aspects of your existence. I offer Tarot consultations by appointment at my home, providing a personalized and transformative experience. Book a reading to explore two or three questions, and let me help you uncover the light within.

Carl Young & Tarot

Carl Jung the great Psychoanalyst and Mystic was a firm believer in using the ancient wisdom contained in Tarot Cards to unlock the psyche and subconscious. Tarot cards are not magical they are just representations of archetypal energies that appear in our lives that a skilled Psychic reader such as Ian can read and interpret as though looking into a mirror of the soul to help you on your life path by showing obstacles, opportunities, threats and a path forwards. Tarot, the Language of the Collective Unconscious The collective unconscious was the name that Jung gave to the wellspring of symbols and archetypes from which we derive human narratives.

Anima and Animus When combined, the anima and the animus are meant to represent a union, a whole, a complete self. Jung believed that every human has within them “feminine” and “masculine” aspects to their character. Part of having a balanced psyche is to acknowledge, understand and accept both “feminine” and “masculine” aspects.

The Shadow

The Shadow This is the part of ourselves that we reject – aspects of ourselves that we would like to remain hidden. In other words, we all put a mask on to the world. When we don’t accept it, it becomes detached, like another being that we hate, and detest. Shadows are the archetypal foundations for monsters, demons, evil, the works. A part of becoming a mature person and society is understanding the darker aspects of ourselves, not rejecting them.

“The soul thinks in images.”  (Aristotle)

The 78 cards in the Tarot deck are a mystical, symbolic “system” that provides a visual map of consciousness. It allows us to communicate with our inner mind in its own language of symbols and images. It can therefore be understood as a visual embodiment of Jungian archetypes, offering insight into all aspects of our lives, especially the underlying drives, motives, and complexes. The images on the cards can act as mirrors of our mental, emotional and spiritual development and levels of consciousness. As a symbolic map, the Tarot shows us archetypal and universal layers of consciousness that appear cross-culturally. It offers us a direct link to the vast wisdom of the collective and unconscious minds. In particular, the 22 cards of the Tarot’s Major Arcana symbolize the life lessons we need to learn as we progress on the path of our spiritual and psychological growth. It also provides a unique centerpiece for meditation on metaphysical themes that are most relevant to our life path and spiritual/soul growth.

Tarot is a mechanism for inner exploration, self-analysis, self-knowledge and a self-help tool.

The supernatural and parapsychology was no stranger to Jung. He personally underwent a near-death experience, had clairvoyant dreams, incidents of precognition, encountered various hauntings with actual manifestations and poltergeist activity. He conducted experiments in telepathy and had a spirit guide known as Philemon, who flew out of the sky one day and landed at Jung’s side. Jung gave him the nickname of the “Old Wise Man” and they often conversed as they walked together in Jung’s garden. Jung claimed he had a second soul, one that allowed him to access the occult realm. Many of his beliefs were derived from The Tibetan Book of the Dead which he consulted though out his professional life. He used the I-Ching to help diagnose patient’s maladies and suggest treatment methods. He investigated the arcane arts of Alchemy and Astrology as well.


Returning to Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious will help us understand his association with the cards. He thought of the collective unconscious as the “soul of the world” and it is in that “soul” that our shared symbolism of the archetypes dwell. He also postulated that an event in a person’s life can trigger an internal mechanism that allows access to the collective unconscious. Once this process begins an archetypical configuration takes place. He called this “being” that formed during this configuration a “psychoid.” It was part real in the sense that it was manifesting itself and taking on a form and it was also part psychic due to it’s origin in the depths of the unconscious mind. Which Jung described as “the deposit of all human experiences back to the beginning of time. It is the source of the instincts, since archetypes are merely the forms that our instincts have assumed.” At this point the conscious mind can now recognize this primordial archetype, and understand the message it is trying to convey through its symbolic form. After this triggering episode has subsided, the “psychoid” melts back into the regions of the netherworld. These “psychoids” are somewhat like the Tulpas that are reportedly created by Tibetan monks** through shear will power. These are also temporary beings that are brought to actual physical life for a short time, perform the tasks that they are created to complete and afterward return to nothingness. It is easy to see the wide influence that The Tibetan Book of the Dead had on Jung.


Why Work With Ian

Intuitive • Visionary • Insights

Life is energy formed from the great spirit– we are energy/spirit manifested into physical form, Ian has a unique spiritual gift to tune into these energy strands which are like fine lines of a spiders web to read Tarot where we are, where we are going and what lies ahead. When we are out of balance on an emotional/spiritual level inwardly it manifests outwardly into our lives, we are unique individuals with an inner light that is often blocked through life’s circumstances. Ian can help you remove the mask to the world to let the light shine within through a Tarot Reading .

IMPORTANT INFORMATION – Owing to frequent no-shows and a lack of cancellation notices, I now require a £10 deposit for bookings. This deposit is refundable if you cancel at least 24 hours before the appointment. Failure to cancel or notify me results in the loss of the deposit. My time is precious, and this pattern of no-shows is unfair to me and to my clients who appreciate my expertise. The deposit will be subtracted from the final fee upon your attendance, or you may opt to pay the full amount in advance. Thank you for your understanding.